Review: Geil DDR2 Ultra PC8500

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Piattaforma Intel


Core 2 Duo E6400

Scheda Madre

Asus P5W DH Deluxe


Intel 975x


Geil PC2-8500 DDR2 1066 Plus Dual Channel

Scheda Video

Point Of View 7900 Gt

GPU @ 450mhz e RAM @ 660 MHz

Hard Disk

HD Maxtor 120 GB SATA  8 MB buffer


Liquid cooled by OClabs


Antec TruControl 1.0 550W

Sistema Operativo

Windows XP Professional SP2


3D Mark 2005
CpuBench (memory test)
Sciencemark 2.0 (memory test)
SiSoft Sandra 2007

All the Quick Benchmark test were made with 266Mhz FSB, because the MCH frequency stays at 400Mhz  and it won’t change the scores with faster timings.

And for the pure Benchmarck tests we made all them trying to find the highest stability with the 32M superPi and the highest overclock with the 1M SuperPi, with all the timings we think are the best for daily use.

Let’s see what the principal timings meanings:

  • CAS Latency (Tcl): refers to the length of time, in clock cycles, it takes for a request sent from the memory controller to read a memory location and send it to the module's output pins. Lower values means higher performance. Obviously a Cas 3 implies different performance if the memory works at 166MHz or 200MHz!

  • RAS to CAS Delay (Trcd): the dates in the memories moduleds are disposed and read in raw and column, starting from the firsts lines and then from the columns. The TRCD means the delay in clock cycles between the RAS signal and the CAS one. Lower values means higher performances.

  • RAS Pre-charge Time (Trp): this value refers to the length of time, in clock cycles, between a RAS command the the next one. In this length of time the condensators of the memories are pre-charged. This operation is indispensable for the DRAM characteristic we told before. Obviously lower values means higher performances.

  • Cycle Time (Tras): refers to the length of time, in clock cycles, it takes to capture the date from the memory and making it avaible for the output. Lower values means higher performance.

All the timings were set up by